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The successful implementation of Lexia relies on continued effort and planning to take place to ensure the best outcomes for students. In their guidance report, ‘Putting Evidence to Work: A School’s Guide to Implementation’, the EEF highlights that implementation should be treated as an ongoing progress, not a single event.

With the end of term approaching, now if the perfect time to review your Lexia Implementation progress and ensure that best practice is continued into the next term. To support, we have devised a simple, 4-step Lexia Implementation Check to ensure you can effectively review how Lexia is being used and plan your next steps.

In this blog post, we delve into four essential steps for completing the Lexia Implementation Check. By conducting this quick review, you can ensure that the Lexia program continues to be a success, adapt to any changes, and ultimately foster the best literacy outcomes for your students.


Complete your Lexia Implementation Check with these 4 steps:

1. Staffing Check

It’s crucial to ensure that your Lexia program is adequately staffed. Any changes in staffing should be considered to ensure seamless implementation. We encourage you to notify LexiaUK Customer Care of any staff changes, so we can provide the necessary support and training where needed.

Notify Us Here

2. Training Needs Review

If it has been a while since your team has received training, now is the perfect time to book an online session. Remember, the price of training is already included in your Lexia package, so there’s no additional cost to you. Simply get in touch and we’ll schedule an online session at your convenience.

Request Training

3. Implementation Plan Review

Take a moment to review your school’s Lexia Implementation Plan. Reviewing your plan ensures that you are on the right path as a school team, and you can track progress towards your Implementation goals. Our Implementation Guide includes some helpful guidance and an Implementation Plan Template.

Download Guide

4. License Need Review

Evaluate which pupils are currently benefiting from Lexia and consider whether additional cohorts could benefit from the program. If you believe an extension of your current license package is necessary, please get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to discuss the best options for your school.

Contact Our Team

By completing the Lexia Implementation Check, you’re taking proactive steps to ensure that your students continue to receive the best possible support for their literacy development. If you have any questions or require assistance, don’t forget that the LexiaUK team is here to help, every step of the way!